lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014



Pasaban las 19:30 horas y la EHF ya había anunciado públicamente el expediente abierto contra la central montengrina del Buducnost, Milena Knezevic. La jugadora, internacional y campeona de Champions en 2012, pedía disculpas a través de su cuenta de Facebook. Se arrepiente de su agresión a Anita Görbicz y pide perdón a la jugadora magiar y al mundo del balonmano en general. Esto le honra, aunque hubiese sumado más a su favor si lo hubiese publicado antes del revuelo que se ha generado -entre los dos vídeos que hay en YouTube suman casi 200.000 visualizaciones-. 
La EHF espera alegaciones por parte de Knezevic para resolver el miércoles 12 de marzo. En Europa, el Buducnost debe jugar todavía el último choque de la Main Round -sin relevancia competitiva- y la Final4 de Budapest. Habrá que esperar la decisión de la Federación Europea de Balonmano.

Dear Anita,
I would like to apologize for my inexcusable action during last night’s game to you personally, to my club, which I love and respect more than anything, as well as to the public. 
Unfortunately, my action has not hurt only me but many people that I deeply respect, including you. 
I am truly aware that my action is unjustifiable, but I would like to ask you to accept my sincere apology and view it as a guest of genuine regret.
I will do everything in my power to not let this action define me and undo everything I have done for the sport, because it does not paint a true picture about me. I am aware that it will require a lot of effort and hard work, but I am ready to accept the challenge as I have done many times in the past. I hope that I will emerge stronger and that I will show people that a true Milena Knezevic is a sportswoman who truly respects fair play and lives for our wonderful sport.

Kind regards,
Milena Knezevic.

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